About me

Hello, I am 0NeXt, a UNIX hacker who enjoys playing with thinkpads.

I like using UNIX-like operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, or any of the BSDs.

I know some programming languages as well.

Mainly C, Lua, Go, and (Ba)Sh, and I seldom use Rust.

In GNU/Linux distros, I use ArchLinux with the River Wayland Compositor.

Whilst I’m a great with UNIX, I also partake in language learning.

The languages I study mostly relate to the Germanic branch.

I also enjoy studies relating to erstwhile languages. Such as Latin or Old/Middle English.

I have also dabbled in asian languages too, such as Korean, Mandarin, and Japanese.

I’m currently studing German, and have some knowledge of Korean (past studies).

I also enjoy Conlangs. They’re interesting whilst also being particularly unique form of art.


If you need to contact me, this is my (aliased) email.